YangQuan Chen Earned his Ph.D. from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 1998. He was a faculty of Electrical Engineering at Utah State University from 2000-2012. He joined the School of Engineering, University of California, Merced in 2012 teaching “Mechatronics”, “Engineering Service Learning” and “Unmanned Aerial Systems” for undergraduates and “Fractional Order Mechanics” and “Nonlinear Controls” for graduates. His current research interests include mechatronics for sustainability, cognitive process control, small multi-UAV based cooperative multi-spectral “personal remote sensing” and applications, applied fractional calculus in controls, modeling and complex signal processing; distributed measurement and distributed control of distributed parameter systems using mobile actuator and sensor networks. He has been the Co-Chair for IEEE RAS Technical Committee (TC) on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Aerial Robotics (2012-2018). He was the Mechatronics and Embedded Systems Applications (MESA) TC Chair for ASME Design Engineering Division in 2009-2010 and served as an Associated Editor for ASME Journal of Dynamics Systems, Measurements and Control (2009-2015). Currently, he serves as the Topic Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (Field Robotics), Associate Editor for Intelligent Service Robotics, Section Associate Editor (remote sensors) for Sensors and a Senior Editor for International Journal of Intelligent Robotic Systems. He is an Associate Editor for Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, IFAC Mechatronics, IFAC Control Engineering Practice, IET Control Theory and Applications, and ISA Transactions. Dr. Chen serves as the Steering Committee Chair for International Conference on Fractional Derivatives and Applications, Program Co-Chair and General Co-Chair for 2016 and 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) respectively, and a member of the IEEE-USA's Committee on Transportation and Aerospace Policy (CTAP). His most recent books include “ Modeling, Analysis and Design of Control Systems in Matlab and Simulink ” (with Dingyu Xue, World Scientific 2014) and “ Scientific Computing with MATLAB, 2nd Ed.” (with Dingyu Xue, CRC Press 2016) and forthcoming books are “ Regional Analysis of Time-Fractional Diffusion Processes” (with Ge and Kou, Springer 2017) and “ Fractional Order Crowd Dynamics: Cyber-Human System Modeling and Control ” (with Cao, Degruyter 2018). He is a member of IEEE, ASME, AIAA, ASPRS, AUVSI and AMA.
- Mechatronics
- Control systems
- Unmanned aircraft systems
- Cyber-physical systems
- Applied fractional calculus