Ph.D, University of Hawai'i at Manoa (USA)
M.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (India)
B.Tech., CSA University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur (India)
Dr. Safeeq's research involves studying how the complex interactions between climate, vegetation, soil, and geology control and modulate critical zone processes related to water. The goal of my research is to identify key hydrologic controls crucial for quantifying and predicting the impacts of climate change on future water supply, which can in turn help to develop science-based, targeted land management and restoration strategies for sustaining future water supply and the environment.
His research interests include:
- Climate Change and Water Sustainability
- Climate Change and Hydrologic Extremes
- Watershed and Regional Scale Hydrologic Modeling
- Water Resources Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis
- Role of Vegetation Dynamics on Future Water Resources under Climate Change
- Agriculture and Forest Management Options for Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainability
- Application of Remote Sensing and LiDAR in Hydrologic Modeling and Natural Resources Evaluation and Management