Ph.D., 2006 – UC Davis; ecology-environmental policy analysis
M.S., 2003 – UC Davis; agricultural and resource economics
M.B.A., 1998 – Escuela de Graduados en Alta Dirección de Empresa; Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, México
B.S., 1993 – Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios, México; mechanical and electrical engineering
Josué's research includes development of large-scale hydro-economic models for water supply, economics of agricultural, environmental, and urban water uses, adaptation to climate change, integrated water management, and consumptive water use. His expertise also includes economic impact studies with emphasis on agriculture-related sectors. He has occupied environmental management positions for industry, served as a consultant and collaborator for non-governmental organizations. Josué has led hydro-economic studies on adaptation to climate change in California, and water management on the US Mexico border, having developed Baja CALVIN in collaboration with the University of Baja California. Josué is a co-developer for the SWAP and the CALVIN models for water resources management in California.
Professor Medellín-Azuara’s general research themes are:
- Large scale Hydro-economic modeling for water management and policy analysis
- Water management for agricultural, environmental, and urban uses
- Agricultural production adaptation to drought and climate change
- Consumptive water use using remote sensing
- Regional economic impact analysis